Ankündigung der Closing Keynote: Wearable sensorimotor interfaces

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Wearable sensorimotor interfaces

Wearable haptics is an emerging research trend that will enable novel forms of communication and cooperation between humans and robots. The literature on wearable haptics has been mainly focused on vibrotactile stimulation and only recently wearable devices conveying richer stimuli, like forces, have been proposed. In this talk, I will introduce design guidelines for wearable haptics and will review the research in this field and I will show how extraordinary is the paradigm shift in both human-human and human-robot cooperation.

Professor Domenico Prattichizzo
Professor of Robotics and Automation
Department of Information Engineering
University of Siena, Italy

Domenico is Professor of Robotics at the University of Siena, Senior Scientist at the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia in Genova, Fellow of the IEEE society, and Co-founder of the startup WEART, a startup for VR and AR applications. Human and robotic hands together with the art of manipulating real and virtual objects have always polarized his research that has recently focused on wearable haptics, VR/AR and wearable robotics. He founded the SIRSLab where he has been leading an extraordinary and enthusiastic research team for years. Since 2013, he co-ordinates the strategic project “ WEARHAP: wearable haptics for humans and robots ” founded by the European Community with applications on virtual and augmented realities and to collaborative robotics. In 2010 he co-ordinated the project on “REMOTOUCH: remote touch” tactile communication, selected for the presentation at Expo Shangai 2010 under the initiative of “Italia degli Innovatori” promoted by the Ministry of Innovation. Awarded in 2014 with the MathWorks Education Award. In 2017, in Phoenix, his project “the Robotics Sixth Finger” was selected among the best innovative projects at the Wearable Robotics Association Conference, wearRAcon.

He has held many plenary talks on robotics, including the most recent at the International Conference on Robotics and Automation (2016) and the International Conference on Asia Haptics (2017) where he won the award fir his research activities in virtual reality. He has been selected among the best two Cross-Cutting Challenges Initiatives at the IEEE Haptic Symposium 2018 in San Francisco with the theme “The path to intelligent clothes and objects able to change the way we communicate with the world”. Author of more than 250 scientific articles in the field of robotics and virtual reality.